Health Care Professional CME
Health Care Professional CME

Dr. Swanberg presents 20-60 minute talks suitable for professional and community groups on the topics of leadership, life/work balance, consumer life and hypnotherapy. Dr. Swanberg is a Health Care Professional CME:
Clinical Trial Coordination for Managers and Supervisors
Clinical Hypnotherapy Training, Research and Program Development
Clinical Hypnosis in Dentistry
Dr. Swanberg Professional Topics
1. Title: Leadership/Management/Trainings and Workshops
Leadership in Times of Trauma, Compassionate
Drug Free Workplace
Critical Behavior in the Workplace
Public Speaking and Speech Writing Workshop
Positive Thinking, Mindfulness, Resilience
2. Title: Life and Work Balance
Employee Assistance Programs
Dealing with Unexpected Change
Positive Thinking, Mindfulness, Resilience
Personal Best Motivation
3. Title: Health Care Professional CME
Clinical Trial Coordination for Managers and Supervisors
Clinical Hypnotherapy Training, Research and Program Development
Clinical Hypnosis in Dentistry
4. Title: Consumer Life and Health Care Education
Hospice, End of Life and Grief Recovery Counseling
Dental Education for Consumers
Medical Patient Advocacy
Life Insurance for Single People
Health Insurance for Everyone